Jak dotąd wiem, że moje Y-DNA to R1a-Y42738 (YFull: FT141242, FT139371, FT136470(H) formed 2400 ybp, TMRCA 1750 ybp).
Czekając na moje Dante Labs (pełnie sekwencjonowanie), a do tego zazdroszcząc Piotr VaGla Waglowski jego pięknego wykresu, zrobiłem taką mapkę. Zbieram materiały do dalszej pracy nad genami naszej "rodzinki". Krewni to m. in. Wiking z Bodzi oraz Profesor Tolkien (bazujemy tylko na skromnych STR-ach). Wszyscy jesteśmy pod R1a-YP351.
Na pewno dużo kontrowersji w przyporządkowaniu kultur archeologicznych do etnosów i genów. Ale to #HIPOTEZA! Proszę o opinię.
#TolkienAncestry #DerdzinskiAncestry #Z92 #Y42738
By looking at your map I can certainly say that your ancestors had nothing to do with Scandinavia or Germanic languages. They were for sure Balto-Slavic in that line for the past 5000 years and like Tolkien's paternal line most probably spoke the Old Prussian or simply Polish or Belarusian, much depends on where they were 500 years ago, could be migrants from Prussia for sure, depends on their coat of arms.
OdpowiedzUsuńThanks for your comment. Of course you know that the haplogroup is not the same as language. I can imagine men of Balto-Slavic ancestry who thanks to their mothers were Germanic native speakers. This is the case of my distant genetic "cousin" from Norway (like me Y42738) and another from Swedish community in Finland (also Y42738).
UsuńThe ancestors of J. R. R. Tolkien discovered by me, men from the 16th-18th centuries were not the noble class. They had no coat of arms. In England they had pseudo-heraldry and pseudo-noble class legends.